Conditions of Membership
By joining West Cornwall Beekeepers Association all members agree to the safeguarding policy and consent to the information which we hold about the member may be used and disclosed as stated below:
West Cornwall Beekeepers Association will maintain your personal details, as provided by you for your membership, your name, address and email for the purpose of keeping records and keeping members informed of relevant events and activities, Details of members will automatically be passed to the BBKA as part of their records of all registered, partner, county and junior beekeepers and to BDI to provide cover for your bee disease insurance and other third parties who manage part of your membership subscription e.g. Beebase, Beecraft etc. In certain circumstances information may be passed to any other relevant authority (Bee Inspector). Please note that if we do not receive your consent we are unable to process your data and we will not be able to maintain your membership.
Both BBKA and BDI require Full Members’ details, including name, address and membership number. Please note that your name, address and other contact details will NOT be passed to BeeBase to register you there, although you may be sent an invitation to register. BeeBase is the National Bee Unit’s online database and responsible members should register themselves with BeeBase to ensure that they can receive notifications of any threatened outbreak that may affect their colonies. Registration with BeeBase means that in the event of a notifiable disease close to your location you will receive notification as soon as the outbreak is confirmed, not being registered means your colonies could be put at risk.