Our library contains over 400 books, which members are welcome to borrow.

Books can be borrowed by members at any of our winter meetings.  In the summer, we keep a smaller selection available at our Association Apiary.  All we ask is that you remember to bring them back as soon as possible so that other members can enjoy them as well.  The table below shows the titles currently held and is searchable.  The list can also be sorted by category, author, etc.

For those beekeepers taking BBKA Module exams we endeavour to keep a supply of text books in stock for your studies.


B/BM Biology/Science/Microscopy
D Diseases
H Honey and products
HW Wax and products
I Insects general
K Beekeeping general
KB Biographies and history
KH Hives and equipment
KL Law
M/MC Fiction/Miscellaneous
ME Medical
OA/OB/OC Old books
P Plants and pollen
QR/QS Queen rearing/Breeding/Swarms
R Research papers/Articles
V Slides/Videos/DVDs

BookActon & DuncanMaking MeadAWP1985
BookAdam BrotherBeekeeping at Buckfast AbbeyBritish Bee Publ.1975
BookHarnaj E.V. (ed)Varroasis: a Honeybee DiseaseaPIMONDIA1977
BookButler ColinThe World of the HoneybeeCollins1974
BookCouston RobertPrinciples of Practical Beekeepingunstated1972
BookCrane EvaHoney: A Comprehensive SurveyHeinemann1975
BookGraham J. (ed)Beekeeping : Questions & AnswersDadant1978
BookDade H.A.Anatomy & Dissection of the HoneybeeIBRA
BookCrane EvaBees & BeekeepingHenemann Newnes1990
BookFree John B.Bees & MankindGeorge Allen & Unwin1982
BookHowe R.J. & W.E.Practical BeekeepingSaiga1977
BookLaidlawContemporary Queen RearingDadant1979
BookletHeath L.A.F.The Chalkbrood EnigmaCentral Assoc. Beekeepers1984
BookletHeath L.A.F.Occurrence & Distribution of Chalkbrood Disease of HoneybeesBee World1985
BookMiller C.50 years Among the BeesA.I.Root1915
BookMore DaphneThe History & Natural History of the HoneybeeDavid & Charles1978
BookSnelgrove L.E.Swarming: Its Control & PreventionSnelgrove & Smith1981
BookTeale E.W.The Golden ThrongRobert Hale1942
BookWadey H.J.The Bee CraftsmanBee Craft1949
BookWadey H.J.The Behaviour of BeesBee Craft1948
BookWedmore E.B.The Ventilation of Bee-hivesBee Craft1947
BookTaylor R.The Joys of BeekeepingSt. Martins1974
BookletMobus BernhardMating in MiniatureBIBBA1983
BookHerrod-Hempsall W.The Anatomy, Physiology & Natural History of the Honey BeeBBJ1938
BookletHeath LenDevelopment of Chalk brood in a Honeybee ColonyBee World1982
BookSinclair W.Life of the Honey-beeLadybird1969
BookAebi O.& H.Mastering the Art of Beekeeping Vol 1Prism1982
BookAebi O.& H.Mastering the Art of Beekeeping Vol 2Prism1982
BookSnelgrove L.E.Queen RearingSnelgrove & Smith1981
BookField O.Honey by the TonBarn Owl1983
BookRiches H.R.Hypersensitivity to Bee VenomIBRA (from Bee World)1996
BookCampionBees at the Bottom of the GardenA and C Black2001
BookShowler KarlThe Observation HiveBee Books New & Old1985
BookBrown RonHoney Bees: a Guide to ManagementCrowood1988
BookCooper B.A.The Honeybees of the British IslesBIBBA1986
DVDBrother AdamThe Monk and the HoneybeeBBC1995
BookHerrod W.Producing, Preparing, Exhibiting & Judging Bee ProduceBBJ1912
BookMace HerbertComplete Handbook of BeekeepingWard Lock1976
BookMaeterlinck M.The Life of the BeeGeorge Allen & Sons1906
BookO'Toole & RawBees of the WorldBlandford1991
BookYates J.D.Nudge Nudge, Hint HintNorthern Bee Books1992
BookBuzzard C.N.Shining HoursCollins1946
BookCrane EvaThe Archaeology of BeekeepingIBRA1983
BookWildmanA Treatise on the Management of Bees 1770
BookHeath LenA Case of HivesBee Books New & Old1985
BookMatheson A. (ed)New Perspectives in VarroaIBRA1994
BookMatheson A.Forage for Bees in an Agricultural LandscapeI.B.R.A.1994
BookBuckle M.Do You Know About Bees?BBNO1993
BookMatheson A. (ed)Living with VarroaIBRA1993
BookSawyer R.Honey IdentificationCardiff Academic Press1988
BookKirkA Colour Guide to Pollen Loads of the Honey BeeI.B.R.A.1994
BookHawcock & MontgomeryBee (Bouncing Bugs)Tango1994
BookBrown RonBeekeeping: A Seasonal GuideBatsford1985
BookWaring A.Better Beginnings for Beekeepers
BookFrimston & SmithBeekeeping & the Law-Swarms & Neighbours1993
BookRounce J.Honey; from Source to Sale & ShowbenchNorthern Bee Books1990
BookletBIBBABee Breeding & Queen RearingBIBBA1947
BookSimmins S.A Modern Bee FarmSimmins1928
BookMetcalf F.H.The Bee CommunityBeecraft1948
BookFree John B.The Social Organisation of Honey BeesNorthern Bee Books1977
BookletDARG Pamphlet BThe Beeway CodeDevon Apicultural Research Group1984
BookMunn P. & Jones R. (eds)Varroa - fight the MiteIBRA1997
BookJohannson T.S.K. & M.P.Some Important Operations in Bee ManagementIBRA1978
BookGraham J. (ed)The Hive and the Honey BeeDadant
BookConstable DavidCandle-makingSearch Press1992
PamphletAdvisory Leaflet No.18BBKA Hive Plan No.2 Double Walled HiveBBKA
PamphletanonBBKA Double walled hivefor BBKAundated
BookBailey L.Infectious Diseases of the HoneybeeLand Books1963
BookBielby W.B.Home Honey ProductionEP Publ1977
BookBinding G.J.About PollenThorsons1980
BookBrown RonBeeswaxBee Books New & Old1994
BookletBrown RonA Simple Two-queen systemBrown1980
BookletCalder Margaret (ed)Recipes Using BeeswaxNorthern Bee Books
BookDublon C. & P.Practical Queen RearingDublon & Sons1987
BookFraser H. MalcolmHistory of Beekeeping in BritainBee Research Assoc.1958
BookGrant D.White Goats & Black BeesMichael Joseph1975
BookKhalifman I.BeesForeign Lang Publ Moscow1951
PamphletMAFFThe WBC HiveHMSO1955
A4 notesRipley R.Foundation Presslecture notes
A4 notesRipley R.How to Avoid Increaselecture notes1995
BookRoot A.I.The ABC & XYZ of Bee CultureA.I.Root Co1966
BookSnelgrove L.E.The Introduction of Queen BeesMiss I. Snelgrove1948
BookWedmore E.B.A Manual of BeekeepingEdward Arnold1945
BookDews J.E. & Milner E.Breeding Better Bees using simple modern methodsBIBBA1993
BookRuttner F.Breeding Techniques and Selection for BreedingBIBBA1988
BookMesquida J.Elements of Genetics with special reference to the beeOPIDA1981
ManualWalsh F.National Hive DrawingsBIBBA folder 201978
A4 bookletMobus & van Praagh (eds)Pedigree Bee Breeding in Western EuropeBIBBA1983
BookletJenkins G.Queen Rearing Jenkins WayBIBBA1984
BookletSmailes R.Raise Your Own Queens by the punched cell methodBIBBA Leaflet 101997
BookRuttner F., Milner E. & Dews J.E.The Dark European Honey BeeBIBBA1990
BookMace H.A Book about the BeeHutchinson
BookGuilfoyle J.L.Beekeepers I have knownGuilfoyle1977
PamphletMAFF Bulletin 144BeehivesHMSO1952
BookBerthold R.Jr.Beeswax CraftingWicwas Press1993
BookCoggeshall W.L. & Morse R.A.Beeswax Production, Harvesting, Processing & ProductsWicwas Press1984
BookGuy G.V.Easy to Make CandlesDover1979
BookBrown RonEconomical BeekeepingRHBrown1995
BookletanonHoney CookbookHalifax & Dist BKAundated
BookMead R.Honey CookeryNorthern Bee Booksundated
BookKillion E.E.Honey in the CombDadant1981
BookWhite J.Honey in the KitchenBee Books New & Old1978
BookRiches H.Honey MarketingBee Books New & Old
BookletFurness C.Honey Wines and BeersNorthern Bee Books1998
BookletFurness C.How to Make Beeswax CandlesBritish Bee Publ
BookRiches H.Mead MakingBee Books New & Old1997
NutshellBuckle M.Model Making from Beeswax Sheetsanon
BookCroft L.R.Profitable BeekeepingElmwood1986
BookletWhite E.C.Soap RecipesValley Hills Press1995
BookletWhite E.C.Super Formulas (Arts and Crafts)Valley Hills Press1993
BookInnes M.The Book of CandlesDorling Kindersley1991
BookNicol G.The New Candle BookLorenz1995
BookBossom M.Encaustic ArtSearch Press1997
BookletDalby B.Honey Microwave CookeryNorthern Bee Books
BookletBeswick F.Traditional British Honey DrinksHeart of Albion1994
BookletCroft L.R.Allergy to Bee StingsBee Books New & Old1988
Bookvon Frisch K.Bees, Their Chemical Sense & LanguageJonathan Cape1984
BookBrown RonGreat Masters of BeekeepingBee Books New & Old1994
BookMraz C.Health and the HoneybeeQueen City Publ1995
BookletCroft L.R.Honey and Hay FeverUniv Salford1990
BookletRiches H.R.C.Recent Problems in the Treatment of Bee Venom AllergyCentral Association1990
BookletAllan M.Beekeepers ToolboxNorthern Bee Books1995
BookletAllan M.ManipulationsNorthern Bee Books1995
BookletAllan M.Starting OutNorthern Bee Books1995
BookletAllan M.Fun with BeesNorthern Bee Books1995
BookTaylor F.A.Make Yourself a Nucleus HiveTaylor1990
BookMorse R.A.Rearing Queen HoneybeesWicwas Press1994
BookBerry J.Queen Rearing with SimplicityBerryundated
BookHansen H.Honeybee Brood DiseasesLaunso, Copenhagen1987
BookScott-Dupree et alA Guide to Managing Bees for PollinationCanadian APA1995
BookletField M.Beautiful Queens and Honey Too!Northern Bee Books1994
BookBonney et alQueen ManagementA.I. Root1995
ManualP.A.M. (ed)Varroa Mesh Floors (incl drawings)Northern Bee Books1993
BookAlford D.V.Provisional Atlas of the Insects of the British Isles Part 3 BumblebeesBee Research Association1973
BookDavis G.Beekeeping in the Swarming SeasonDavis1980
BookletPark R.B.The Dance of the HoneybeeNorthern Bee Books1996
BookTonsley C.Honey for HealthTandem1973
BookLubbock J.Ants, Bees and WaspsKegan, Paul, Trench and Co1982
BookDeans A.S.C.Beekeeping TechniquesOliver & Boyd1963
BookletFoster A.M.Bee Boles & Bee HousesShire Publ2010
BookTinsley J.BeekeepingE.H.Taylor1945
BookManley R.O.B.Bee-Keeping in BritainFaber & Faber1948
BookDugat Fr.M. trans Reeves N.C.The Scyscraper HiveFaber & Faber1947
BookLaidlaw H.H.Instrumental Insemination of Honey BeesDadant1978
BookCook V.Queen Rearing SimplifiedBritish Bee Publ1986
BookFert G. trans Riley & GreenheadBreeding QueensOPIDA1997
BookStorch H.At the Hive EntranceEuropean Apicultural Editions1985
BookletDARGQueen RearingDARG1998
BookOwsianska M.The Legend of the HivePagoda2000
PaperWilliams I.H.The Dependence of Crop Production within the EU on Pollination by HoneybeesAgric Zool Rev vol 6 Oct 941994
PaperCarreck Williams & LittleThe movement of honey bee colonies for crop pollination and honey production by beekeepers in Great BritainBee World 78(2) 67-77 (1997)1997
PaperWilliams Carreck & LittleNectar sources for honey bees & the movement of honey bee colonies for crop pollination and honey production in EnglandBee World 74(4) 160-175 (1993)1993
PaperWilliams I.H.Rothamsted: Cradle of agricultural and apicultural researchunknown
PaperCarreck N.L.Research in the Pollination Ecology Group at RothamstedBee Craft April 951995
BookMaceBees , Flowers and Fruit
PaperCarreck N.L.Recent Research on varroa & viruses at RothamstedBeekeeping
PaperCarreck N.L. & Williams I.H.Observations on two commercial flower mixtures as food sources for beneficial insects in the UKJ Agric Sc (1997), 128, 397-4031997
BookAlford. D. V.The Life of the BumblebeeDavis-Poynter1978
BookFree John B.Honeybee BiologyCentral Association of Beekeepers
BookFree John B.HoneybeesA & C Black1978
BookLatter O. H.Bees and WaspsCambridege Univ Press1913
BookMace H.Some Other BeesHutchinson
BookManley R. O. B.Honey Production in the British IslesFaber & Faber1946
BookMeyer O.Microscopy on a ShoestringNorthern Bee Books1984
BookMorse R. & Hooper. T.The Illustrated Encylopedia of BeekeepingBlandford1985
BookVon Frisch K.The Dancing BeesMethuen1954
BookWilliams. K.The Bee Box BookJonathon Cape1984
BookAdam BrotherIn Search of the Best Strains of BeesNorthern Bee Books1983
BookGoodwin M & Van Eaton CElimination of AFB without the use of drugsNational BKA of NZ
BookWebster TC & Delaplane KS (eds)Mites of the Honey BeeDadant
BookLaidlaw HHJr & Page REJrQueen Rearing and Bee BreedingWicwas Press1977
DVDCherbuliez TMedicine from BeesApimondia
BookRiches HMedical Aspects of BeekeepingHR Books2000
BookYates JD & BDBeekeeping Study Notes (Basic Certificates)BBNO1991
BookYates JD & BDBeekeeping Study Notes (Modules 1, 2, 3, 4)BBNO1991
BookYates JD & BDBeekeeping Study Notes (Modules 5, 6, 7, 8)BBNO1991
BookBailey L & Ball BVHoney Bee PathologyAcademic Press1991
BookMorse RA & Flottum KHoney Bee Pests, Predators and DiseasesA. I. Root Co. (3rd Edition)1997
BookRiches HHoney MarketingBBNO1992
BookDe Bruyn CPractical BeekeepingCrowood1997
BookDe Bruyn CPractical BeekeepingCrowood1997
BookJeunesse G et alThe BeeMoonlight Publ
BookMelzer WBeekeepingBarron's
BookAlston FrankSkeps-Their History, Making and UseNBB1987
BookFlottum KimBeekeeping-The completeand easy GuideApple2014
BookAston and BucknallPlants and HoneybeesNBB2014
BookletBrekelmansSkep MakingBBNO2000
BookGoodwin and Van EatonControl of Varroa2007
BookLangstrothThe Hive and the Honeybee 1878 editionDadant1860
BookFearnley JBee PropolisSouvenir Press1988
BookWinston MLThe Biology of the HoneybeeHarvard UP1991
BookDavis CThe Honeybee Inside OutBeecraft2005
BookCramp DThe Beekeepers Field GuideBassdrum Books1999
BookChapman NConstructive BeekeepingCMI Publishing
BookEvans JThe Complete Guide to BeekeepingBees and Things1977
BookSladen F.W.L.The Humble BeeLogaston Press
BookPrys JonesBumblebees
BookWilson BThe HiveJohn Murray2004
BookOppenheimer B.The Candlemaker's CompanionStorey2001
BookDavis CeliaThe HoneyBee Around and AboutBee Craft2007
BookBrown RonManaging MininucsBrown1998
DVDMAFF/CONBAFoul Brood/ Varroa
DVDTyne TeesThe Industrious Bee Part IChannel4
DVDTyne TeesThe Industrious Bee Part 2Channel4
DVDOakes LolRemoval of Newlyn Colony / Extracting at Brian Broadbank's
BookClaybourne A.How Do Bees Make Honey?Usborne
BookYates JD & BDBeekeeping Study Notes (2nd Ed)BBNO1991
BookCampionBees at the Bottom of the Garden2001
BookMoore Ede PiersHoney and DustBloomsbury2005
BookHooper and TaylorThe Bee Friendly GardenAlphabet and Image2006
BookBenjamin and McCallumA World Without BeesGuardian books2008
DVDSentinellaDancing with BeesWannabee Films2005
DVDBBCSilence of Bees2008
DVDBBCHoney Hunters of Nepal2009
BookGoodman LForm and Function in the Honey BeeIBRA2003
BookFree John B.Pheromones of Social BeesNBB1987
BookPercival M.SFloral BiologyPergamon1965
BookConnor L.J.Bee Sex EssentialsWicwas Press2008
BookManchester Microscopy SocMicroscopy-First Steps into a Secret World1996
BookBenjamin and McCallumKeeping Bees and Making HoneyDavid and Charles Ltd2008
BookSnodgrassAnatomy of the HoneybeeComstock Pub Assoc1984
BookWoodwardQueen Bee: Biology, Rearing and BreedingNB2009
BookletFieldField Notes on Queen RearingIBRA2008
BookRichesMead Making, Exhibiting and JudgingNBB2009
BookYates J.D.Beekeeping Equipment (caveat emptor)NBB2009
BookFlottum KimThe Honey HandbookApple2009
BookMonk KiddThe Secret Life of Beesreview2002
DVDSentinellaThe Honeybeeroom1 productions2010
BookWarreBeekeeping for AllNBB2007
BookTautzThe Buzz About BeesSpringer2008
BookBeecraftBeecraft Apiary GuideBeecraft2007
BookCrampA Practical Manual of BeekeepingSpring Hill2008
BookAston and BucknallKeeping Healthy Honey BeesNBB2010
BookCollinsBeekeepers BibleCollins2010
BookHavenhandNatures Golden HealerKC2010
BookletBadgerHorsley BoardBeecraft
BookletChapman NHow to Make a Warming CabinetBee craft
BookCarreck (ed)Varroa-Still a Problem in the 21st Century?IBRA2010
BookWilliams JStartingOut With BeesBeeCraft2010
BookHooperGuide to Bees and Honey (5th ed)NBB2010
BookCarreck and JohnsonAspects of Sociality in InsectsCABK2007
BookSeeleyHoneybee DemocracyPrinceton2010
BookPeacockKeeping Bees-A Complete Practical GuideBounty2008
BookTurnbullThe Bad Beekeepers Clubsphere2010
BookMagillMeditation and the Art of BeekeepingLeaping Hare Press2010
BookletGibbSetting Up and Managing an Apiary SiteBeecraft2011
BookletChapman NOpen Mesh Floors
BookletAslinBeeswax Skin Creams for Use at HomeBeecraft2010
BookletHughesRecycling BeeswaxBeecraft2011
BookDartingtonNew Beekeeping in a Long Deep HiveBBNO
BookletIntenthron & GerrardMaking Nests for BumblebeesIBRA1999
BookWaring A.and CHaynes Bee ManualHaynes2011
BookDavis CeliaThe Honeybee Inside Out (2nd Ed)Bee Craft2011
DVDRaeHoney-A beekeepers GuideGreat Takes Television2011
BookDavis and Cullum-KenyonThe BBKA Guide to BeekeepingBloomsbury2012
BookRobson W.S.Reflections on BeekeepingNBB2011
BookLittle MThe Bee GardenSpring2011
BookRoyle GApis Through the Looking GlassBBNO2010
BookLittle MPlants and Planting Plans for a Bee GardenSpring Hill2012
BookHeafThe Bee-friendly BeekeeperNBB2010
BookRobbBeauty and the BeesNBB2012
BookStiglitz & HerboldsheimerThe Complete Idiot's Guide to BeekeepingAlpha2010
BookOgdenIn Pursuit of Liquid GoldBBNO2001
BookletHodgesThe Pollen Grain Drawings of Dorothy HodgesIBRA2009
BookSawyer R.Pollen Identification for BeekeepersNBB2006
BookStellUnderstanding Bee AnatomyCatford Press2012
BookKirk and HowesPlants for BeesIBRA2012
NutshellJewell PMicroscopy for BeekeepersNBB
NutshellBoysListen to the BeesNBB (Nutshell)2012
NutshellMorrisRecord Keeping for BeekeepersNBB2012
BookGoulsonA Sting in the TaleCape2013
BookSladeWhy not Top Bar Hives?NBB2013
BookRawsonThe World of a Bee FarmerNBB2008
BookYates J.D and B.DBeekeeping Study Notes Modules 1,2 and 3 (2nd Edition)BBNO2013
BookYates J.D and B.DBeekeeping Study Notes Modules 5,6,7 and 8(2nd Edition)BBNO2010
BookGregoryHealthy Bees are Happy beesBeeCraft2013
BookWoolnoughUnderstanding and using the StereomicroscopeQueckett MC2010
BookletRichmondHow to Make a Solar ExtractorBee Craft2013
BookMcMullanHaving Healthy HoneybeesFIBKA2012
BookPicklesBeekeeping in WharfedaleNBB2010
Book + CDMinesotaSuccessful Queen RearingMinnesota Extension Service2006
BookSammataroDiagnosing Bee MitesNBB2014
BookWinston MLBee Time-Lessons from The HiveHarvard UP2014
BookAston and BucknallPlants and HoneybeesNBB2014
BookMolonyNotes from a Clifftop ApiaryNBB2014
BookMaurerPractical Microscopy for BeekeepersBeeCraft2012
BookConradNatural BeekeepingNBB2013
BookWiddicombeThe Principles of Bee ImprovementNBB2015
BookKoeniger et alMating Biology of Honey BeesWicwas Press2014
BookYatesStudy Notes-MicroscopyNBB2014
BookCrowder and HarrellTop Bar Beekeeping
BookKessler and HarleyPollen-Hidden Sexuality of FlowersPapadakis2014
BookCrampBeekeeping -A Beginner's Guide2012
BookNordhausA Beekeeper's Lament2011
BookWoottonBeekeeping-A Novice's GuideBeecraft
BookJohnstonA Nomad Amongst the BeesNBB1995
NutshellShowler KarlSkep Making-Hints on theArt and Mystery ofNBB
BookRepaskySwarm EssentialsWicwas Press2014
BookConnor L.J.Increase EssentialsWicwas Press2014
BookChapman NPollen MicroscopyCharlesworth Press2015
BookFlottum KimBetter BeekeepingQuarry Books2011
BookWebster and CaronObservation HivesA I Root2007
BookWaring A and CHaynes Bee ManualHaynes2015
BookLintonThe Observation Hive HandbookHoneytongue Press2015
BookHarden BSome alternative pathways - Hesitant Queen RearerNBB2014
BookMcMullanHaving Healthy HoneybeesGenprint2012
BookRibbandsThe Behaviour and Social Life of HoneybeesNBB/IBRA2016
BookRichardsBeekeeping for BeginnersNBB2014
BookEllisSpoonfuls of HoneyPavilion Books2014
BookCalderOilseed Rape and BeesNBB1986
BookSeeleyFollowing the Wild BeesPrinceton2016
BookHesbachSplits and VarroaNBB2016
BookDavis CeliaThe HoneyBee Around and AboutBee Craft2009
BookSeeleyHoneybee DemocracyPrinceton2010
BookStellUnderstanding Bee AnatomyCatford Press2012
BookGoodman LForm and Function in the Honey BeeIBRA2012
PlatesDade H.A.Anatomy & Dissection of the Honeybee: dissection platesIBRA2009
BookSnodgrassAnatomy of the HoneybeeForgotten books2012
DVDBBKALiquid Gold - A Story of Bees and HoneyBBKA2015
BookGammonWaxy CornerNBB2016
BookShannonComprehensive Guide to Preparing Exhibits for a Honey ShowNBB2015
BookButler CThe Feminine Monarchie (1623)NBB2017
BookSochaThe Book of BeesThames and Hudson2017
BookBadgerHeather Honey - A Comprehensive GuideBee Craft2016
BookGoulsonA Buzz in the MeadowCape2014
BookDiemarBees and BeekeepingMerehurst Press1988
BookHood WMThe Small Hive BeetleNBB2017
BookWinston MLThe Biology of the HoneybeeHarvard UP1991
BookGregoryHealthy Bees are Happy beesBeeCraft2013
BookDade H.A.Anatomy & Dissection of the HoneybeeIBRA2009
BookTautzThe Buzz About BeesSpringer2008
BookletBBKAHoney Bee AnatomyBBKA2016
BookletBBKAIn the Apairy - a month by month guideBBKA2017
BookletBBKAFeeding Honey BeesBBKA2017
BookletBBKAGeneral HusbandryBBKA2017
BookMartin SJThe Asian HornetIBRA2018
BookletGove RegThe Solar Wax ExtractorNutshell
DVDRaeHoney-A beekeepers GuideGreat Takes Television2011
BookGouldThe Honey BeeScientific American Library1988
BookBailey L.Infectious Diseases of the HoneybeeLand Books1963
BookEvans and EberhardThe WaspsDavid and Charles Ltd1973
BookSommerville D. et alA Practical Guide Handbook to Healthy HoneybeesNSW Australia2016
BookAhnert PBeeswax AlchemyQuarry2015
BookAhnert PBeeswax AlchemyQuarry2015
BookHooper TGuide to Bees and HoneyNBB2010
BookHarden BSome alternative pathways - Hesitant Queen RearerNBB2014
BookShaw WAn Apiary Guide to Swarm ControlNBB2015
BookShaw WSimple Methods of Making IncreaseNBB2015
BookShaw WThere are Queen Cells in my HiveNBB2018
BookGoulson DBee QuestCape2017
BookletHodges DPollen Grain DrawingsNBB/IBRA2017
NutshellJewell PMicroscopy for BeekeepersNBB nutshell
BookletBBKAGeneral HusbandryBBKA2017
BookletBBKAFeeding Honey BeesBBKA2017
BookletBBKAFeeding Honey BeesBBKA2017
BookHolm EigilQueen Breeding and GeneticesNorthern Bee Books2017
BookLaidlaw HHJr & Page REJrQueen Rearing and Bee BreedingWicwas Press1977
BookWiddicombeThe Principles of Bee ImprovementNorthern Bee Books2015
BookConnor L.J.Increase EssentialsWicwas Press2014
BookKoeniger et alMating Biology of Honey BeesWicwas Press2014
BookWoodwardQueen Bee: Biology, Rearing and BreedingNB2009
BookSommerville D. et alQueen Bee BreedingNSW Australia2016
BookCoughlin HannahThe Goodness of HoneyKyle Books2018
BookHooperGuide to Bees and Honey (4th ed)NBB2010
BookBrown RonBeekeeping: A Seasonal Guide (2010 edition)Batsford2010
BookSawyer R.Pollen Identification for BeekeepersNBB1981
BookBlackiston HBeekeeping for DummiesBlackiston2009
BookHead VivianKeeping Bees: Looking after an ApiaryAura2011
BookWhitaker John MThe Ethics of BeekeepingNBB2018
BookSeeleyThe Lives of BeesPrinceton2019
BookBunker SarahThe Asian Hornet HandbookPsocid Press2019
BookNotley FAThe Bras and the BeesScryfa2019
BookGoulson DThe Garden JungleJohathan Cape2019
BookBasterfield et alThe Healthy Hive GuideIBRA2019
BookSweeney NoelBees at LawAlibi2017
BookWhitaker John MOn the Keeping of BeesNBB2019
BookAlford D.V.The Life of the BumblebeeNBB1978
BookLindauerCommunication Among Social BeesHarvard UP1978
BookSeeleyFollowing the Wild BeesPrinceton2016
BookWaring A and CHaynes Bee ManualHaynes2015
BookWaring A and CHaynes Bee ManualHaynes2015
BookGibb and HarmanBee Space to Bee HiveBeecraft2020
BookYates JD & BDBeekeeping Study Notes (Modules 5, 6, 7, 8)BBNO2013
BookYates JD & BDBeekeeping Study Notes (Modules 5, 6, 7, 8)BBNO2013
BookFree John B.The Social Organisation of Honey BeesNorthern Bee Books1993
BookKirkendoll AprilThinking outside the box (Top Bar)Lysmata2020
BookYates JD & BDBeekeeping Study Notes (Basic Certificates)BBNO2012
BookAlford DVthe Life of the BumblebeeNBB2009
BookSimms AlisonHannah and the Honey BeesBeecraft2009
BookWinston MLBee Time-Lessons from The HiveHarvard UP2014
BookWinston MLListening to the BeesNightwood Editions2018
BookSeabrook Michael JohnThe Insect GardenNBB2020
BookTautz and SteenThe Honey FactoryBlack Inc2018
BookMoller LotteBees and their KeepersMacLehose2019
BookMattingly Rosanna LHoney Maker - how the honey bee worker does what she doesBeargrass Press2012
BookEvans Jay DBee OptimismIBRA2020
BookConnor L.J.Keeping Bees AliveWicwas Press2019
BookFontana PaoloThe Joy of BeesWBA Books2019
BookHood WMBees and ManNBB2019
BookGibb and HarmanBee Hive to BeekeeperBeecraft2020
BookBenjamin and McCallumThe Good BeeMichael O'Mara Books2019
BookletSawyer R.The Study of PollenNational Honey Show2014
BookletPadmore F.Wax for ShowNational Honey Show2014
BookletNHS/StoakleyNational Honey Show Beeswax Candles For ShowNational Honey Show2014
BookletNHS/DaviesNational Honey Show Comb Honey for ShowNational Honey Show2014
BookletNHS/TonsleyNational Honey Show Granulated or Crystallised HoneyNational Honey Show2014
BookletNHS/TonsleyJudging Honey in the JarNational Honey Show2014
BookletNHS/VickeryManagement, Production & Exhibiting of Heather HoneyNational Honey Show2014
BookletNHS/TonsleyPreparation of Liquid HoneyNational Honey Show2014
BookletNHS/SweetProducing Mead for Sowing and DrinkingNational Honey Show2014
BookletNHS/BrownShowing Honey ProductsNational Honey Show2014