Beekeeping Courses in Cornwall
Looking for beekeeping courses in Cornwall? There is much more to beekeeping than putting a couple of hives at the bottom of your garden. In fact there is an awful lot learn – from the basic biology, handling skills, disease identification and control, general good husbandry, swarm control, queen rearing and, if you do well – honey production! We therefore recommend that you seriously consider taking a beekeeping course before you get your first bees.
There are different beekeeping courses for different levels available in West Cornwall. WCBKA runs an Introduction to Beekeeping course – a five week course during the early part of the summer aimed at people who don’t have bees yet, and it gives a basic grounding in apiculture. A longer, more extensive Beginners Beekeeping course is run at the Duchy College from January onwards.
In addition, WCBKA and CBKA run a Bee Health day each year in conjunction with the National Bee Unit. The day consists of a series of practical and discussion workshops and are intended for beekeepers of all abilities.
WCBKA takes education very seriously, and beyond our programme of winter meetings, we also encourage members to at least take the basic BBKA assessment. We also run study groups for BBKA module – details of which are published in our members newsletter – An Hes.