West Cornwall Beekeepers Association’s Procedures for Junior Members
1. Index
1. Index
2. General.
3. The Policy of WEST CORNWALL BEEKEEPERS states:
4. Procedures for WCBKA committee regarding JUNIOR MEMBERS.
5. Risk Assessments.
6. Activities not permitted for junior members.
7. Checks on Member
8. Procedures in the event of an issue relating to the Protection of JUNIOR MEMBER..
9. If you are a JUNIOR MEMBER who wishes to report an issue.
10. What happens if you suspect that a Junior member is being abused?
11. What happens if a junior member discloses to you abuse by someone else?
12. What happens if a member receives an allegation about any member including themselves ?
13. The key messages for JUNIOR MEMBERS.
14. Principles of Good Practice
15. Safety
16. Behaviour of WCBKA members.
17. Behaviour and requirements of JUNIOR MEMBERS.
2. General
- This policy and procedural document is designed to ensure the protection wellbeing and safety of JUNIOR MEMBERS whilst attending any meetings or functions held by WCBKA.
- Junior Members are those who are between the ages of 11 and 18 at their first day of membership and are defined as JUNIOR MEMBERS forthwith.
- WCBKA does not allow JUNIOR MEMBERS to participate in any beekeeping activity without the presence of a deemed / designated experienced beekeeper..
- The term abuse shall be taken to mean in the context of this document as not only abuse, but any form of bullying, harassment, ill treatment or generally unacceptable behaviour by any member or persons present at WCBKA meetings.
- WCBKA makes it clear that any person engaging in any form of abuse, as outlined above may be required to leave the MEETING and any activity involving WCBKA with immediate effect. Persons so dismissed may not return except after successfully appealing to a panel of Trustees, independent of the original decision.
- This document is the agreed policy of West Cornwall Beekeepers Association.
3. The Policy of West Cornwall Beekeepers Association States:
- That in all matters concerning youth protection, the welfare and protection of the JUNIOR Member is the paramount consideration
- WCBKA shall safeguard the welfare of all JUNIOR MEMBERS and others involved in all beekeeping activities by protecting them from harm.
4. Procedures for WCBKA committee regarding JUNIOR MEMBERS;
The Membership Secretary WILL ;
- Ensure that a list of contact numbers for Parents, Guardians, or Responsible persons is kept for all junior members via the membership form, the membership spreadsheet and the membership secretary and be made available to ALL relevant members..
Ensure that the names, addresses, and dates of birth are recorded in the spreadsheet and that the spreadsheet is kept updated at least annually.
Keep a list of details of any medical conditions, or other such relevant information that might affect the safety or wellbeing of Young Persons who are involved with WCBKA. - These should be treated as confidential and stored safely.
- Where relevant, AND only after PRIOR AGREEMENT with the WCBKA committee, ensure that persons who may hold some responsibility for JUNIOR MEMBERS while the junior member is at either a meeting or at the WCBKA training apiary are informed of any necessary requirements to ensure safety and wellbeing of that JUNIOR MEMBER.
Whoever is deemed as the DESIGNATED SESSION LEADER at any meeting, wherever it is held should ensure that all JUNIOR MEMBERS are provided with an appropriate safety briefing IF it is deemed necessary.
On becoming aware of any information, or allegation, or event, relating to any protection issue, the person who is deemed as the DESIGNATED SESSION LEADER will:
- Take immediate steps to ensure, as far as is possible, that further harm cannot occur and complete a Safeguarding Report Form which is then passed on to the Safeguarding Officer.
- Contact the WCBKA Chairperson and inform him / her of the situation and the advice given.
- The Chairperson should ensure that the individuals concerned are immediately served with a notice restricting them from attending ALL MEETINGS until the situation has been resolved.
- The Safeguarding Officer will prepare a confidential file recording all notes, conversations etc.
If the issue can be substantiated, it will be the Safeguarding Officers responsibility to contact the local Police Child Protection Unit or the Children’s Services Department of the relevant local authority.
5. Risk Assessments
- Risk assessment is a way of identifying and mitigating the hazards involved in an activity. Risk is assessed by identifying the hazard and assessing the degree of harm it could cause, compared with the likelihood of it occurring.
- Risk Assessments should be carried out to discover what measures, if any, need to be put in place to reduce the risk to an acceptable level by, for example, providing a form of mitigation or information, training or protective equipment.
- Each role or task a JUNIOR MEMBER may carry out should be subject to a risk assessment specific to the task and the particular junior members capabilities (as to the suitability of the particular junior member engaged in the role or task.)
Specific risks to be considered include but should not be limited to those posed by:
- the layout of the workplace
- the physical, biological and chemical agents that young people will be exposed to
- how junior members will handle beekeeping equipment
- how the work and processes are organised
- the extent of health and safety training needed
- risks from particular agents, processes and work
The Risk Assessments should identify tasks that might:
- Involve risk of accidents that the JUNIOR MEMBER cannot reasonably be expected to recognise or avoid because of insufficient attention, experience or awareness.
It is important that the findings of risk assessments are followed at all times.
All risk assessments to be reviewed on a regular basis. i.e. Minimum of annually unless any incident / accident arises and then the risk assessment will be reviewed immediately to evaluate its cover and efficiency
6. Activities not permitted for Junior Members
JUNIOR MEMBERS shall not be allowed to undertake roles which:
- Are beyond their physical or psychological capacity. – In relation to psychological capability, the requirement could be as straightforward as making sure junior members understand what is expected of them, that they are able to remember and follow instructions and have been given the necessary training and supervision.
- Involve risk of accidents that the JUNIOR MEMBER cannot reasonably be expected to recognise or avoid because of insufficient attention, experience or awareness (tailored training or closer supervision may help make such risks more obvious).
7. Checks on Members
- It should be noted that the decision of the WCBKA committee is that at present no member shall be put in the position of having substantial unsupervised access to junior members or vulnerable adults. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks are not therefore undertaken at this time with the exception of the SAFEGUARDING OFFICER who will be checked and certified.
- For the future, should the above policy be modified, any adult who will undertake a role that will give them substantial unsupervised access to JUNIOR MEMBERS will be checked. These checks are likely to use the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), and will include the taking up of references.
- Members, in the future, who might have substantial unsupervised access to junior members, should give their consent to any necessary checks to be made at any time.
- A member with any relevant conviction who fails to disclose to the safeguarding officer and /or chairperson and who has intention of attending association meetings may be removed from the association’s membership register.
8. Procedures in the event of an issue relating to the Protection of JUNIOR MEMBER
Any person observing any form of abuse should where possible take immediate steps to halt that abuse.
- It is not acceptable to stand by and allow abuse to continue in any form outlined in section one, even if appearing to be minor in nature.
- The perpetrator – who may not realise the behaviour is unwelcome – should be asked to desist.
- If the recipient shows sign of distress or stress, get them to talk to their designated responsible person ( Parent / designated guardian ) about the problem and get help from THE DESIGNATED SESSION LEADER.
- Remember the need for confidentiality: talking generally about the issues will not be welcome.
- The harasser or abuser must be told to stop, as they may not realise their behaviour is unacceptable and unless some action is taken they may think the behaviour is acceptable and repeat or escalate it.
- All allegations, suspicions or actual event must be referred immediately and directly to the DESIGNATED SESSION LEADER who MUST record it factually and VERBATIM.
- Any such allegation, suspicion, or events are to be treated as strictly confidential.
- No investigation or questioning is to be undertaken as to do so might jeopardise any future enquiry.
- All allegations/suspicions are to be referred no matter how insignificant that they may seem to be or when they occur.
9. If you are a JUNIOR MEMBER who wishes to report an issue
They should inform their designated responsible adult (Parent /designated guardian ) and the DESIGNATED SESSION LEADER, or if unavailable, any member of the WCBKA COMMITTEE.
10. What happens if a member suspects that a junior member is being abused?
- Ensure, in the interim that no situation may arise which could cause any further concern.
- Immediately inform the junior members designated responsible adult ( Parent /designated guardian ) and THE DESIGNATED SESSION LEADER or if unavailable, any member of the WCBKA COMMITTEE MEMBER
- Record the facts as you know them including the young person’s name, address, and where possible, information about a parent/guardian, and give a copy to DESIGNATED SESSION LEADER
11. What happens if a junior member discloses to a member abuse by someone else?
- Allow the junior member to speak without interruption, accepting what is said.
- Alleviate feelings of guilt and isolation, while passing no judgement.
- Advise that you will try to offer support, but that you must pass on the information to the DESIGNATED SESSION LEADER
- Immediately inform the DESIGNATED SESSION LEADER, or if unavailable, any member of WCBKA COMMITTEE
12. What happens if a member receives an allegation about any member or themselves?
- Immediately inform the safeguarding officer and chairperson of the association.
- Record any facts as you know them and give a copy to the association’s safeguarding officer and the chairperson.
- Ensure, where relevant and possible, that no situation may arise which could cause any further concern.
- Never question a junior member or try to investigate yourself. You could prejudice a case by probing for more information than is given. If an investigation is necessary, it can only be handled by the association’s SAFEGUARDING OFFICER.
13. The key messages for JUNIOR MEMBERS:
- Always ensure that your own behaviour is appropriate at all times
- Never believe that ‘it won’t happen to me’.
- Be aware that issues may arise not only from the conduct of WCBKA members, but also from visitors or members of the public.
- If you are concerned about a another junior member or suspect that abuse is taking place, it is your responsibility to act on it by reporting as directed in the WCBKA junior members Protection procedures.
- You must always report your concerns immediately, whether this is inappropriate adult behaviour, a false allegation, a disclosure from another junior member or you merely have concerns of any kind.
- Never wait to ‘see what happens’. By the time you are completely satisfied, irreparable damage could be done.
14. Principles of Good Practice;
- The current safeguarding officer will be subject to a DBS check.
- JUNIOR MEMBERS should never be left unsupervised. Best practice is that they are supervised BY A FAMILY MEMBER or DESIGNATED GUARDIAN.
- Everyone involved in WCBKA activities should follow the policy and procedures in relation to JUNIOR MEMBERS.
- They must also be familiar with the steps to be taken, as outlined in the policy, in the event of becoming aware of, suspecting or receiving allegations of abuse.
- Effective safeguarding is also about striking a balance which ensures junior members are protected whilst at the same time encouraging members not to become overly risk averse and to get maximum enjoyment from the craft.
15. Safety
Safety is EVERY MEMBERS responsibility ALL of the time.
All persons in a position of responsibility for any JUNIOR MEMBERS should:
- Ensure that they escorted by a family member or a designated guardian at all times.
- Ensure that the membership secretary has names, addresses and contact details of ALL DESIGNATED GUARDIANS.
- The DESIGNATED GUARDIAN presents themselves to the DESIGNATED SESSION LEADER on entry to the meeting / Apiary / Function.
- Any accidents are logged in an accident book contained in the attendance register.
- Confirm that there are regular safety audits of all equipment (first aid, fire extinguisher, appropriate equipment, communications equipment).
16. Behaviour of WCBKA MEMBERS.
- It is expected that all WCBKA members will be an exemplary adult role model for junior members…..friendly, courteous and kind.
- Bullying by any member to any other person is not acceptable at any time.
- Suggestive or discriminatory comments must not be made at any time.
- All members should respect other members at all times regardless of sex, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation.
- Engaging in inappropriate verbal or physical contact of any description is strictly forbidden. It should be understood that someone else may misinterpret any actions.
- Avoid unobserved one-to-one contact with a junior member.
- WCBKA members must never drive or walk a junior member home on their own unless there are truly exceptional circumstances.
17. Behaviour and requirements of Junior Members;
Acceptable behaviour is a two way street, and JUNIOR MEMBERS are also required to uphold an acceptable level of behaviour, and JUNIOR MEMBERS should:
- Wear appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) as outlined to them at the start of an Apiary meeting.
- Sign in the association’s attendance register on every occasion that they attend the WCBKA meeting and immediately upon arrival at the Apiary.
Parents and Guardians should:
- Ensure that they present themselves to the DESIGNATED SESSION LEADER on arrival and indicate who they are responsible for.
- Ensure that they have the appropriate protective clothing if attending the Apiary.
- Parents and Guardians should ensure that both themselves and their son or daughter ‘Sign-In’ to the attendance register.
Visiting Groups.
Groups of JUNIOR visitors who either attend meetings OR apiary meetings MUST have one responsible adult for every FIVE juniors…….if there are more than five junior visitors but less than ten then two responsible adults MUST BE PRESENT.
The ratio MUST be one responsible adult for every five junior visitors and the maximum number of apiary visitors is 12.
All members, regardless of classification ( Junior, Associate or Full ) should comply with the “ Members Code of Conduct “